Admissions Enquiries: 01483 282329

Healthy Food Choices

School meals carefully crafted to nourish young minds and bodies

Here at Glenesk, we believe a balanced and healthy diet impacts on the rest of a child’s day and we place a huge emphasis on fresh and healthy food. Our chef uses fresh, top quality ingredients, all of which are prepared in our own kitchen and served by our Chef and Assistant.

We aim to promote a healthy diet and lifestyle, avoiding all processed foods and sugar where possible. Provision is made for children with special dietary needs and requirements or allergies.

Delightful flavours and wholesome goodness

Nursery and Rising Reception children eat together in the hall in their own sitting, which is laid out as a dining room every lunchtime. Reception to Year 2 eat in the second sitting altogether. Children can enjoy their meal independently with staff supervision, so table manners can be monitored.

For snack, we offer the children a wide range of healthy options, including fruit, vegetable crudités, cheese and other high protein snacks to keep it varied and interesting for the children. All children have access to their own water bottles in their classrooms.

Glenesk Pre-Preparatory School

Enquiries :01483 282329